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BIBS Dummy Double Pack SIZE 3 | Sage


2 in stock

Gift Wrap Design

Dots with handwritten gift tag ($4.95)

Gift Wrap Design

Dots with handwritten gift tag ($4.95)

Remaining/Maximum Characters: 100/100


The BIBS Dummy Size 3 are perfect for babies older than 18 months, or those that just like a bigger teat.

We take safety very seriously, that’s why we love BIBS. They are 100% BPA, PVC & Phthalates free and have a 100% natural rubber teat. We would never sell anything on our site that we aren’t happy to give to our little one too. 

BIBS dummies are Danish made, 100% BPA, PVC & Phthalates free and has a 100% natural rubber teat.